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Redevelopment Commission

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Redevelopment Commission

The City of Garrett, Indiana Redevelopment Commission primary mission is to address issues associated with blighted areas by creating redevelopment areas and to remove barriers to economic growth within these areas. In order to accomplish these missions the redevelopment commission may utilize eminent domain, purchase land and property, clear properties for redevelopment purposes, repair, maintain and make major structural and infrastructural improvements to property for redevelopment growth, to include creating a tax finance increment district, accept grants, loans and other financial assistance from Federal and State government sources. The Commission has final authority for approving redevelopment area improvements.


Five members sit on the Commission


Todd Sattison - President

Terry Malcom

Tom Kleeman

Amy Demske
Vivian Likes
Doug Johnson
Darrick brinkerhoff



The Redevelopment Commission meets the first Wednesday of each quarter at 5:30 p.m.

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